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Your Weirdest/Fascinating Dreams...

Reserved for off-topic posts.

Postby Frayo » Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:14 pm

Bout time someone started this. I saw this thread when I was getting ready to start a Lucid Dreaming thread.

I am a dream whore. There is nothing better than a good dream. So at a lot of expenses I have began to experiment with the most craziest dream inducing substances i can find with only a $300 budjet....

One dream started it all...and I've been recording enourmous amounts of printed pages and diagrams ever sence.... Every night I train myself to remember them, and at the very least take some Melatonin to aid in the memory.

At first they were bloody and mostly of suicide. But now, they are just plain weird. All right, Im a little unusual. Ok, a little freakish, today I went to my shrink and they gave me a special test, for they think I might have split personalities. *sigh*

But nobody cares about that--on to the cool shit. (copied and pasted).

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2004 10:46 am
Post subject: Kinapped....Transported to a parallel universe.
This is a very different story. I drew diagrams about it.
I do smoke, and I do carry razor blades. Im a sorry excuse for a cutter.
this dream ispired me to read A LOT about dreams and dream recall...and join this website.

I have had many dreams like these... I will post more, as I have a collosal word document about a year old thats served as a dream journal. Lately... I've been dreaming every night since this dream, and using techniques. I've started taking melatonin...and thats made things....well weird.

Grab your cup of coffee and take your bathroom break this ones long.
Cursewords and inside references are in here as well. An inside reference...well I have a lot of reoccurances in my dreams.

When I nodded off to sleep, it felt like I was waking back up again. I resisted, for I wanted to continue sleeping.
I opened my eyes to realize that I wa lying on a cold stone floor..... Some of my thing were lying around me.
I could feel my eyes open, and I could feel myself moving around on the floor. I looked upwards then around the room. The first thought in my head was "Why am I here?". I kept wondering What I was doing here, and why in the world wasnt I sleeping. I Honestly didnt think I was dreaming. I thougth I was abducted..and moved here. My laptop was here, and so was my ipod and its charger. Other odds and ends were there, as if someone has told me 'you have 10 minutes to get all your things out that you are about from your room and come with me'.
The room was polygonal... And it had no was all columbs. It had 4 essential sides, two of which were angled and made up one. It was like a square with a triangle attached to one side. The columbs were stone and had intricate designs and panels carved into them.

I pulled myself up, when suddenly from a side room came a man dressed ornately. I was wearing exactly as I was when I went to sleep. Dress pants and a black Jnco dragon Tshirt, a scratch up watch, and an ipod fixed to my hip. Even my cell phone was there, although not on its clip, as I've lost the clip.
The man was old and grizzly, his eyes were of a very dark blue. In the air hovered two brown marble balls garnished with electrical power. He held a third magic ball in his hand. He said "Welcome"
I asked "Where am I?" I stood up and headed for the two flights of stairs that led down. Two curving staircases spiraled downward intercepted one another then plnged out of sight to th lower levels of whereever I was.
"Dont do that please..everyone always likes to go down there first".
"What do you mean?"
"Everyone comes here, some time in their life, most never escape, because they see me and run. They run until they cant run anymore, and the temple goes on forever."
"Why am I here?"
"As I said before, everyone comes here."
"What is going on?" I curled up into my little ball of fright that I always do. "I just want to get out of here"
"Listen, I've been here a long time, I'm still trying to find a way out"
"Then why wont you let me go outside?"
"Because wherever you go, you cant go that way. I promise you your death and torture, and I promise it will last for an eternity if you go down those stairs."
"What do I do? How can I go back home? I just want to go back."
"Funny thing, you always said you wanted an adventure outside your own world, and when you recieve one, you turn it down."
"How do I even know how to trust you?"
"If you dont, and I see you running down those stairs, or wake up to find you gone, I will kill you myself. I will push you down those damn stairs. Everyone who runs down them winds up killing eachother anyway, so someone else, will find you and probobly kill you. Sit."
"I need a cigarette" At this point I start to feel really strange. The air tasted funny. It was cool, the skies were visible and so very grey. I found my grey jacket that I wear now, and opened up the pockets. I did find a cigarette and decided to smoke one.
He didnt stop me, but said "These are the only doorways you will use for the time being."
"Why do people always go down the stairs? Because, well, when you walk through the doorways, you hallucinate the things you fear most are stangding at the other end. People treat this like a nightmare and run?"
"Is this a dream?" I had to know.
"Absolutely not."
"What is this? You mean if I fall through the windows or go down those stairs I will die?"
"What is this? Just tell me how to get out of here, this place is making me sick"
"How many times have you tried to wake up? I bet your trying right now, I can see your eyes rolling back into your head. Give it up, you are here to stay, this is not a dream."
"But I went to sleep."
"Silence...just come this way."
"But you said that way was bad."
He materialized a staff...walk through that doorway, or this will meet the back of your head."
"No wonder everyone takes the stairs, if they dont, they have to contend to you"
"And you are my lucky one."
"And you dont even know my name." I said and lowered my head.
He led me down the hall, I didnt hallucinate at all. He mumbled something about all the hallucinating I did in reality without the influence of drugs that made me block the visions. he told me of what he saw. He said he saw a thin man who looked like me before, then threatened me again. I stopped paying attention. The initial shock of being kidnapped had worn off already, and I was just anxious to look around.
The pooly lit wall led to an aviary. It had no walls, of course, and it had a circlular pit in the middle that was converted into a giant couch/bed. The walls were the same, and carved with intricate markings and were very tall. The top was painted. It looked like it belonged to the roof of a chapel from the 15th century. The man stated that his room was the same, only it had a library. He summoned a series of books and they hit the floor sending dust all over the place. I looked up at him and said "What do you want?"
"You have to read these and study them. Grab your things and bring them here."
"My computer will only last for 2 hours without a plug in."
"You have yet so much to learn. Where do you think you are, the dark ages? There are plenty of outlets that fit your computer. They will require you go downstairs for that. I guarantee if you take that computer down there, you wont have it for much longer."
So I dragged out my black Sociology notebook and turned to where yesterdays Sociology notes had been taken.
I started to write what I read in the books. They spoke in very difficult English and the writing was very hard to read. It was like a sloppy cursive.
They told a lot about where I was.
It had no name, and the act of naming it was wrong.
It was a nameless place without time in the absolute middle of nowhere in the universe. It seemed like the books were aimed at me and read more like novels than a science textbook. They told how several people run through this place several times.
So i walked across the hall. The wizard man was curled up asleep. He trusted me not to go down the stairs.
"Have I been here before." I was the hostage, I had priority over his sleep.
"yes. Leave me alone."
"I have? Why dont I remember?"
"Just look back to a time in your life you spent in an underwater palace."
"But that was a dream" Well that was a dream though.
"You havent realized have you. For now, this is your reality. This is your world. You will not leave until you're ready. Go away, make use of your time."
"But Im hungry."
"No your not, you do not feed here, you are enslaved by magic."
"I want food."
"If I can transmute a pack of cigarettes, would you go away?"
And right on the floor there was a pack of smokes. Black package, no label, no cellophane. I never did smoke them, but I thought about it. I did very little smoking in this rtip.
I eventually just fell asleep in the room.
He came in to wake me up "Start your training."
"Start training now. You read the little red book didnt you? Start training."
"I dont get it. How can I read in a time like this? You dont even know whats going on, in fact, I oughta walk down those stairs right now."
"Fine, I will train you myself."
"No, I want out of here. Now. This is getting fucking stupid. I want to get out of here so I can get my ass home. I got a long weekend ahead of me."
"I told you time passes not in here."
"I want out of here. Maybe you cant get that, I want out of here."
"Take this instead"

And I appeared in a red room. In the time of a blink the previous room turned into another room...a red room with lots of recangular stones on it and white power outlets.
"Where am I now?"
"You will learn to use your mind here."
"There is no way out of this room!"
"Except if you teleport my dear friend."
"How do I get out of here?"
"This is your room, look it has electrical outlets and props for all your devices. Including your music box"
I had never even thought about my ipod being in my pile of stuff until now. "Guy, please just let me out. I dont want to be here anymore."
"To get back to where you were before, you have to teleport out of here. When you finally do go down those stairs, you will be thankful that I showed you this."

It took nearly an hour. It was basically a complicated thought process that had no real name or never really existed. You had to think of things and move them in a certain order. Teleportation was either perfect, or it never happened. You had to know precisely where you were going before it happened. Since I only knew of two locations.. Yes, I did try to teleport back to my dorm room. The man chuckled at that too.

At this point I become depressed. I went to bed, deciding that the man knew what he was doing.
He soon became very ill and told me that he was going to die. I had little idea how to react. I knew he didnt deserve to die.
He then handed me a neclase, and told me that it'll let me come back up the stairs.

The doors seal behind you when you go down the stairs. He then told me that at the top of the stone pillar was the exit. A port out of here, but nobody knew it. Nobody realized it. And above all it was a tower and nobody could climb it.
For the next 3 or 4 hours, I tried to climb that thing using any and all ways possible. I looked up and saw the wizards aviary where he was standing, watching me. He wanted me to come back up the stairs because he needed a cure.

I found that the temple was infinitely massive....
It just went on and on.
The stairs led to a courtyard. The floor was a glimmering pool of orange water. The catwalks that criscrosseed the lake were of some kind of ornate metal. There were 3 major exits. Two along the sides, and one at the end. The one at the end looked more promising, as the side exits led to more and more and more hallways.
The exit at the other end required a blue key to open the door. This reminded me a lof of Doom. And I said "I've been sucked into a video game". I turned around and there were 5 armored creatures standing right behind me.

I woke up back where I had woken up at the beginning yesterday.
He said they took all my stuff, save for my clothes.
This is why I was given a red room, for nothing here can port save for a living human being.

i was angered, but I didnt have my iPod with me, meaning it was still in my room.
I went in and found it...and put on The Beatles - While my guitar gently weeps. I buried my face against the covers in my pit, and cried. I felt the covers against my face, and how moist they got. I just cried I had nothing else to do. The rooms led on forever, and I was never going to leave this place.
I fell asleep yet again, and woke up rubbing my eyes.

I ventured down the stairs again, with no valuables on me. And took the right exit (see drawings). I found it led to a big open area with the blue key in it. I took it, it glowed and was so pretty. I played with it in my hands. I decided I was going to die in this nasty place, but at least this key was really cool looking. I snuck back to the blue doror and opened it.

I went to the area...and saw my first human beings other than the wizard. Shops were run along the sides of the large room. they said "Another outsider" and tried to sell me stuff. I had no money, except for about 80 cents in my wallet back at the other place. They then mentioned something about the Thieves. Little humanoid creatures in big suits of armor. They were dangerous. They had been in this place for too long. The temple is so massive, few ever make it back here. The Thieves were just a group of people who got together to torture new comers and look for a way out.

I asked where the hallway leads. They said it led to a palace. I decided the palace would have answers, both for the man and myself.
I walked up to a massive aviary with many flights of stairs leading to the palace. I saw a woman standing there.
"Excuse me miss."
She turned around. She was shockingly georgeous. She was wearing an elaborate red dress that looked kind of midevil.
I told her I was looking for a cure for this old man who lived in this tower. I tried to tell her where I was from. She said "Your another outsider. I was one once a very long time ago. The man is dead already. Everyone sees him, and spends a few days with him. He does the best he can. You best read amongst his library."
"Are you nuts? I have a weekend ahead of me. People will notice I'm gone. Im a college student at ASU. Appalach"
"Why do you always assume the same thing? Time does not pass here."
"I want to get the fuck home, God Damnit!" I shouted and fell to the floor. I didnt care how much progress I've made, I was still here and not back at my dorm.
I sat there on my knees and just said "Help me"
"Ive been here for 13 years now, you get used to it. You have to find a job in order to stay."
"So i wont find a job."
"Everyone does that. They wander around, get torn to pieces by the theives, get chased by the wild animals, get pulled under in the water, they dont find a job."
"And they get out right?"
"They do get out all right, they die here. The monsters here track the lazy ones of the temple and take them under the water outside your tower. The water leads to a horrible place. People are burned alive and forced to work for the great machines which build the temple. This place was assembled by human flesh. See to it that yours isnt added to the collection."
At this point I freaked out and screamed out loud "Why am I here?" I paniced. It was real. I had been kidnapped and taken to some country ot something. How did they get me to leave my dorm? Why was I here? I was so very scared. This was REAL! That was the worst part. I continued to try and wake up.
She gave me some medicine and took me downstairs.

The stairs led to a large room with a massive window. It was dark, but it was a view to the real world. I saw a line of trees streaching to the horizon. There was a multicolored sunset as opposed to the 24 hour grey. The window overlooked a mssive cliff and I could see mountains in the distance.
"Where am I?"
She stood for a long time "I dont know, but I know from the books of the wizards place, that this temple is a world, and on this planet there are a lot of worlds, this is merely the tip of the actual world."
I sat down on a stone slab and glanced at the odly placed power outlet there. Other than the red room, I had never seen them here. I asked her about it. Then I asked her which part of the real world was from. Then she told me that this is the real world.....the world I was in was the dream. I asked if there were other people...she said they run about the temple.
I went back to the tower.
I saw the wizard, he was chasing a girl with a bright green shirt. She looked to be of 14. I shouted at her and she just ended up running randomly in the temple. The stairs sealed off, then flicked back open, the wizard faded. I still had access..she would see a wall if she tried to return. Her things in the floor had faded. I lit up another cigarette and sat in the empty library.
I fell asleep...again...

day 3;
I fished a razor blade form my pocket when I woke up and cut my forearms, and my wrists.

I didnt go deep enough, and I passed out and woke up hours later still alive, in a small pool of blood. I tied makeshift bandages aruond my wrists, and cleaned off the blade, in case I would try again.
I thought of something different. I emptied the shelves, emptied every piece of furniture and inspected it. I felt along every single wall in that room. I then just laid back and fell into the bedding...and hit something. I yanked up the blankets, there was a book buried. It was entitled "The way out". I opened it and a gust of wind came form the book. It was the weirdest thing ever. It was an easy read, very short. It was an escape manual!

The exit was atop the tower. Somehwere in the temple was a switch. It lowers a chain down the side of the building, then you grab the chain and it takes you back up. Then it said "Beware: Significant Opposition Eminant".
I was going to save the girl in the palace too. I was getting out of here. I had to get a job. I started to keep a journal writing in my sociology notebook what was happeneing and drawing myself maps. I didnt get much done on this day,....

In the afternoon, I got a job. I was a pottery sorter for a shop. The shop was so large...and that pottery was weird shaped. Then I felt something bad. Someone was standing behind me while I was sorting.
A nasty corpse looking man with neon blue hair. "You found the book. It doenst work, for everyone always finds another to save. You came here alone, you must leave alone". I put up the strange decor in my hands and turned around. The man was gone. At this point I became numb to dead people walking around. Everyone here seemed to be in various stages of decay.

I then went to the temple, and mapped it out slowly. I dont know how much time I spent here. It lasted severel days actually.
It took me a long time, but I found a switch, and pulled it. I wont even go into detail of how many places I saw. It was absolutey crazy.
I started walking back, following my maps, and soon realizing that the ground was shaking. I made it to the open area as fast as I could.

I reached the courtyard, charged through the blue door, then to the palace where she was standing. I led her to the downstairs room and told her we are getting out of here. At that moment, some really bad shit happened. The wall to my left collapsed and black shadow like creatures came, and the ceilig started to fall. She threw me a sword, and I kicked every last one of their asses.. I couldnt believe it. Then the room caved in. I found her struggling to hold up this wooden beam on top of her. She was about to be forced into the ground, she was shaking, crying. Dirt filled the air and I could see blood running down her arm. I pulled the beam to the side. I noted all the shadow creatues were gone. With no ceiling the view of the sunset over the vast feild of trees, was sheer awesomeness.

I then led her back. The chain was there, but there were tons of people trying to pull at me. They got more violent. They wanted out too. More and more people were coming in....Hoards of people were screaming. "Why are we here" and wandering aroudn so horribly. I grabbed the girl, held her tight, then ported to the red room. I grabbed my things and returned to the courtyard. The stairs had collapsed and people were just running off the edge, pushing one another. There were so many people, and they were panicing. More and more came in and the world was filling up, nobody woudl organize. Some groups formed but more people kept making everything confusing. The girl soon bit my arm, and told me to let her go. She said she had been here for so long, that there was no reason in going back. I was infuriated, but dove into the water, killing my ipod and laptop. I grabbed the chain, and decided I had to let go of my stuff to save it. I was drenched in orange water and an elevator came out of nowherre...sending me to the top of the tower. I stood right next to the port. The wizard was there, and he said "are you ready to go?".
I said "yes yes let me get the hell out of ehre. Its monday already. People are worrying about me. I ahve been here since Friday."
"Well, this is the end of round one, see you in a bit."
"You mean its not over?" I cried.
"Oh no, you will be coming back to places like this later on in your life. Do you really want to go? The people have gone. You could be happy here if you gave it a chance."
"What are you talking about? I realized that there were tears coming down my face. I said "I just want this to end. I want everything to go back to the way it was back when everything was normal".
"Youll be back, or"
I walked towards the spinning ball of energy, and stepped in. Everything shook, and I felt sick as my insides were turned inside out.
I gagged and curled up into a ball. I fell towards this big panel. In metal letters on the panel it said "End II"
"Twelve Thousand ...(and some number) left to go".
The panel opened. I saw white writing on a door in front of me...
The door opened and I was wondering "what the hell is going to happen now" and suddenly I was lying on my side facing the wall of my dorm.....

MUZIK: Roachford - Feel For Me.
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Postby Bitter Almonds » Wed Nov 17, 2004 6:10 pm

Sometimes, I'm pretty good at controlling my sleep pattern where I can feel my body become paralysed right before I enter deep sleep. I am still conscious, but my body is paralysed. If I go any deeper in sleep I can enter into a dream where I realise I am dreaming. I would describe such a feeling as diving into a body of water with unknown depth because your breathing is a bit slow (and thus feels somewhat restricted if you're still conscious). Look up "sleep paralysis" in any psych book to get the gist of what I am talking about. People who don't realise what is happening to them often get frightened by such sensations and those who are superstitious think it's an unseen force like a ghost or a spirit pressing down on you (the feeling of your own body's weight when paralysed).
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Postby design_femme » Thu Nov 18, 2004 2:10 am

XXX, I'm familiar with that feeling. I've always hated it, but once I started to recognize this feeling in my dreams, I started to let go (fighting it always made it worse). The panicky paralyzing feeling would go away and I'm left with a sense of calm instead. I can feel myself sinking into the mattress and the sheets pulling tight around me, but I keep telling myself it's just a dream and that I've been through this before. The scary feeling changes into a euphoric one—like dipping into warm water, like you said.

Anybody sleep with their eyes open? There were times when my eyes will partly open in the middle of a deep sleep and the things I see in my room will become part of my dream.

not really about dreaming, but once, under an extreme case of sleep depravation, I've actually hallucinated at the end of a long, hard day and my environment wasn't [i]quite[/i] what it should be. THAT was freaky.
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Postby phillyidol » Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:32 am

As a kid, I had 3 very vivid "evil dreams" and I would pray every night not to have those dreams. After the worst of them, I remember an entire summer where I did not sleep untill sunrise. Really, it was so bad that I would pretend to go to sleep and then turn on the tv real low and stay up till the sun came up. I had my own room so it was easy not to get caught. I'll try to explain. Lets just say that the head evil guy himself was in the dream and I was trying not to get noticed by him. But he noticed me and started to talk directly to me. And saying that although this was a dream, he was really speaking to me. Now do you see why I did not sleep? I just freaked myself out again, I'm going back to the great cake debate post!
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Postby Bitter Almonds » Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:38 pm

[quote][i]Originally posted by design_femme[/i]
<br>XXX, I'm familiar with that feeling. I've always hated it, but once I started to recognize this feeling in my dreams, I started to let go (fighting it always made it worse). The panicky paralyzing feeling would go away and I'm left with a sense of calm instead. I can feel myself sinking into the mattress and the sheets pulling tight around me, but I keep telling myself it's just a dream and that I've been through this before. The scary feeling changes into a euphoric one—like dipping into warm water, like you said.

Anybody sleep with their eyes open? There were times when my eyes will partly open in the middle of a deep sleep and the things I see in my room will become part of my dream.

not really about dreaming, but once, under an extreme case of sleep depravation, I've actually hallucinated at the end of a long, hard day and my environment wasn't [i]quite[/i] what it should be. THAT was freaky.

That's really interesting because that's exactly how I would further describe that feeling: Sinking into your bed. As far as sleeping with eyes open. I think I've only felt that once when I was a kid. I stared at a pattern on a wall once and sort of went into a weird little trance where the pattern began to look like buildings from atop and I felt I was falling!

Haven't had any terrible dreams in years. Even the bad ones, I consider fascinating. Sometimes I wish I could have written them down for fun [8D]
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Postby Rubbeet921 » Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:49 pm

It's so overwhelming just imagining the horror in some of the dreams posted here. Gee, if only someone could interpret them for us...

I heard that people get those horrible dreams when you lay flat on your back as if you are in a coffin! So better lay in bed sideways or whatever...and see if you still get those morbid dreams! I want to know if there's really a connection...(and, for me, I always pray before sleeping- a childhood habit!)
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Postby Bitter Almonds » Fri Nov 19, 2004 5:56 pm

I don't think sleeping position determines bad dreams. Maybe if you have a heavy meal right before going to sleep [?]
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Postby phillyidol » Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:18 pm

Or watched the exorcist before bed.
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Postby Frayo » Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:51 am

People have more nightmares than regular dreams.

Or thats what I've read rather.
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Postby Rubbeet921 » Tue Nov 23, 2004 3:05 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by design_femme[/i]
Second theme: flying or riding on a supersonic monorail through a futuristic city. Everything looks white, silvery, and streamlined. And the buildings are infinitely tall, with flying cars buzzing around.

Now wait a second, does this mean we're the only 2 people here who FLY in our dreams??? Hmmm... we must be so lucky!!! [:o)] [:o)] They have no idea how it feels to be "power puff girls!" [:p] [:D]
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Postby Rubbeet921 » Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:46 am

Ooops, I missed that! [:0]

Ok, let's all gear up and do some action soon!!! The world needs us! I'm sure design_femme could work out the coolest uniform ever! Kimiiii, you can suggest any style you prefer [:D] [:D] [:D]...

Again, I wonder, don't men get to fly in dreams at all??? [8)]
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Postby Jimbo » Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:17 pm

The death dreams have started back up.
This time it's an all new one.
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Postby Rubbeet921 » Tue Jan 11, 2005 9:04 pm

Jim, speak up! C'mon, we wanna know what's going on in your sleep... I feel like shivering already [8)] This will be like reading horror story! (btw, I don't like watching horror films! I just don't like scaring myself! [:p])
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Postby Frayo » Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:28 am

I can fly- I am sometimes prone to changing genders too.

I had a dream last night that The girl that cut my hair- The one who shoots porno IMed me and was all like "come over" and such.

I remember spending a good deal of the dream on AIM. The last time I dreamed of spending lots of time on AIM, I woke up with a breakup note from my girlfriend.
So anyway- we like talk about the weirdest stuff (I'd update better, but I got to class and work, and what little of this dream I remember will be forgotten).
But I did go over to her house- and some really cool stuff happened.
Fuck- My internet is going down.
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Postby UniversalRadio » Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:55 am

I have plane crash dreams all the time. Probably one a week on average. This is because I witnessed a DC-10 crash when I was 8 (worst air accident in American history to this date in fact).

The most vivid and horrible reoccurring dream I would have was I am walking downtown (Chicago) and a plane crashes into the Sears Tower. The whole building then comes crashing to the ground until there's absolutely nothing left of it as I'm running from the screaming and fire and flying debris. Then a plane crashes into the Standard Oil building (now the AON building) and the same thing happens so that we don't know where to even run. Then a plane crashes into the John Hancock building and it's about then I would wake up screaming.

By the time I was a teen I trained myself not to scream because it was a silly dream. I successfully convinced myself that that silly dream would be impossible to be real. That could never happen, right? That could never happen, right? THAT COULD NEVER HAPPEN, RIGHT?[:0][:0] BTW I had a near nervous breakdown in the fall of 2001. Can anyone hazard a guess why?
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