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find artist/song

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 3:04 pm
by DAT 777
There was a homemade punk compilation that got into my hands 17 years ago. The song that I need to find was punky, yet with a new wave flavor. One part of the song say's, "But that's okay we'll touch our dial." The main part of the song say's (may not be the right lyrics),"I'll turn my rythem into style." Another partial line in the song sings, "stay or should I go."(no it's not the clash) The singer's got a Peter Murphy type voice. Early to mid 80's. You guy's have no idea how long I've been looking for this song. Anything at all would help. Thanks!

Edited by - DAT 777 on 09/20/2003 22:18:39