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are you losing vinyl shops in your area?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 3:39 am
by bpdp3
Sadly, in my area I've seen the used vinyl shops closing their doors, with few opening in their place. Sometimes it feels like it's a dying market. And it sucks if you're really committed to vinyl.

I can't go into a local stereo shop anymore and buy a standard amp/receiver with 'phono' jacks on the back anymore.

I can't buy a decent, affordable turntable without buying a used one.

And now, it seems like more and more used vinyl shops are closing their doors.

How is it in your area - - do you feel like eventually all good things vinyl will eventually truly go away?? I suppose Ebay is fine (I've never used it), but nothing beats killing a rainy afternoon in a used record shop.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 5:02 am
by Natephish
There's only one record shop in my town, it's been there for years and its customers are very loyal. These places like Walmart and Target are killing the record store. Mom and Pop places have to charge full price for a CD, $15-20 when Walmart, FYE, etc.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:10 am
by WolverineSyr
Other than what I've mentioned in the "recent vinyl finds" forum about the state of record shops in my town - does anyone else get the huge record sale in their town? Every February one comes through & has the sale at a Holiday Inn. I've been a couple o

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 2:05 pm
by Borneojimy
There is absolutely nowhere to buy vinyl here anymore, all the stores have closed down. There aren't even any independent shops left to buy CDs any more, so I've got to either buy everything mail order or travel an hour or more. We do have the record conv

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:09 am
by Natephish
[quote][i]Originally posted by WolverineSyr[/i]
<br>Other than what I've mentioned in the "recent vinyl finds" forum about the state of rec

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 5:33 am
by bpdp3
I agree that record conventions are always a good time, and you often find a great deal. I'm not much of one for haggling, but I have to keep reminding myself that these guys really DON'T want to haul all this stuff back in their cars. I grabbed a copy

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 4:30 am
by Ollie Stench
I haven't been to a record show in a few years as I always leave wishing I had a better paying job! Admission here is usually $2.

Radio Shack sells a turntable for around $100. If a place as crappy and corporate as that can stock turntables then ther

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 5:51 am
by Hondo
We've got several great ones here in the Greater Cincinnati area. Phil's has been my favorite haunt ever since I've been married, but before that I was a regular in Clifton and up at Everybody's. Before we had kids, one of my friends and I would take a

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 10:42 am
by geoffolehane
There are a number of vinyl shops here in New Hampshire. Pitchfork in Concord is a good one. There are other places in Keene and Meredith. But New Hampshire is yard sale crazy in the warmer months and that's where I see a lot of them.

Part of the pr

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 8:32 pm
by Jimbo
[quote]Originally posted by bpdp3
[br]Sadly, in my area I've seen the used vinyl shops closing their doors, with few opening in thei

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 9:04 pm
by bpdp3
Thanks for the "chin up, old chap", Jimbo. You're right, the stuff's still out there, but I'm just longing for the days when you could go into the local 'Best Buy' or Ma&Pa's Stereo and grab it.

On the 78's - - I have a victrola and a relatively humbl

PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 2:53 am
by geoffolehane
One thing about vinyl is that I bought many records in the 70's and 80's and only listned to them all the way through once. So sometimes I pull one out that I've not listened to in 25 years and plop it on the turntable. Crystal clear and not a scratch.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 5:01 am
by WolverineSyr
Sadly, not only are we losing the vinyl shops - but a factory that produced the lps is shutting down. ... xml&coll=1

Honestly, I wasn't aware there were still large lp fac

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 8:12 am
by bpdp3
woverine - - cool article. I know the area and had no idea that place existed in the thriving metropolis of Gloversville!!

Once great record stores that were in syracuse that I know are now gone -

Modern Records - SU hill
Desert Shore Records - S

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 10:43 am
by WolverineSyr
And to think - I always thought Gloversville was only famous for Gloves...

Ahhhh, Johnny's Collectibles. My favorite - a room of 12" singles.