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Its time to fess up.......

PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 6:02 pm
by XTC
I know I was not the only freak here that WAS into ADAM and the ANTS and BOW WOW WOW?

I do mean Older Ants like 'Kings' and 'Prince Chowmain'..."Prince chowmain ...eggfooyoung is nothing to be scared of" least that how most of my comrads thought of that one at that time.

I still have those moods when Blasting the Ants and Bow wow wow in the car can get me home in the worst of traffic!

come on....its ok...were all friends here....GULP!

"Who me?"

PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 10:27 pm
by Frau_Blucher
Of course! But I was too sheepish to put them in my "changed my life" list. Adam was great in concert and what red-blooded kid didn't think that the teenage Anabella Lwin was the hottest thing around...well, maybe after Cheryl Ladd when she replaced Farah

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 12:54 am
by XTC
Well put MYIRWIN!

She was pretty dang interesting! not the best singer in the world but there was something about those ( Classic Hollywood, Indian/Pirate, 60's surfing sounds )....I'm 1/8 Native American so it always hit a deep chord with me.

I th

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 11:48 am
by Spaz
I love ADAM & THE ANTS and even think that his later stuff was great, too. Saw him on the ill-fated "Wonderful" tour and he was amazing.

Loved all the Ants offshoots, too, including Bow Wow Wow (although she may not have been the greatest 'singer', I

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2003 1:34 am
by XTC
OK Spaz....Your a much bigger ANT than I am! wow.....

I need to here some of this STUFF!

I saw Adam with Puss in boots tour in Seattle. still had two drummers!

"Who me?"

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 8:51 pm
by stillcool
You folk in the U.S of A missed a rare treat as yesterday there was a brilliant documentary on Adam Ant and his merry Ants.

It was on our terrestrial station 'Channel 4' at 9 pm which is post watershed so contained loads of bad language of course. I

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 11:07 pm
by Frau_Blucher
Jeez, that is so much cooler than any docu's we have. These "where are they now" shows seem stuck on classic rock dregs that have fallen on hard times with no real focus on the music. VH1's "I Love the 80s" was marginally interesting, but their so-called

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 4:59 pm
by XTC
Thanks M8!

That sounds very cool!

I did see a small thing on some odd cable channle the other nite Malcolm was talking about BWW and how Annabella's Mum got all in a state about her doing nude or half nude pics on the LP covers! HA! that was cool!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 10:59 am
by stillcool
Yes XTC all I know is she did find out obviously and the s**t did hit the fan with her mum but Malcolm sweetned her up somehow but i've never found out how - i'll do some digging and see what turns up - it might be in his autobiography but I havn't found

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 1:02 am
by stillcool
I found out why the cover went ahead with a nude Annabella Lwin.

When her mother found out that 'that' sleeve was being used she went bonkers and hauled Annabella off to an aunt's house in Dartmoor and the band were told they would never see her agai

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 4:56 am
by XTC
far out......

BWW may have been a 'brain child band' like many others in the 80's.....but I still like the feel, vibes etc.

Wasn't Frankie goes to' a 'designer' 'office drawn up concept band' as well? ...if so WHO CARES!

"Who me?"