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Opins? Private Forum for Postings?

Discuss hard-to-find or out-of-print New Wave and '80s Alternative, and share a few songs along the way.
NOTE: requesting songs that are entirely unrelated to the genres discussed here or easily found on CD is strongly discouraged and posts will be enforced as needed.

Postby ekahob » Sat Feb 04, 2006 10:43 pm

Since Mike P has not weighed in you are jumping the gun if you are deleting your posts. This was discussed before and Mike P didn't think linking to other servers that contained copyrighted material was a problem and I agree with him. The music files are not on NWO servers. He is not liable.

While some want to limit the posting to out of print/unavailable material I have posted new music to the Next Wave forum in an effort to turn people on to new artists. I would think these bands would appreciate the exposure no matter how small.

And then of course there is the problem of how is one to know what's available and what is not? If you were looking for Delta 5 in December it wasn't available. It is now. See

A private forum is not the answer. If you want the music to live on then new people need to discover it. If we are worried about NWO being shut down then the forum could be moved to a free forum host like, or

One answer to the problem would be to keep the forum to requests and filling those requests only - one or two requests at a time. If someone has the requested track they could email it to the requester and if they don't want to receive emails from others wanting the song they shouldn't post that the song is on its way. If the song is readily available on an obviously in-print CD than I'm sure someone will let the requester know. If it's not then the song is fair game for yousendit and this board. There should be no mass "compilation" type posts.
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Postby Plastik44 » Sat Feb 04, 2006 10:58 pm

[quote][i]Originally posted by ekahob[/i]
One answer to the problem would be to keep the forum to requests and filling those requests only - one or two requests at a time. If someone has the requested track they could email it to the requester and if they don't want to receive emails from others wanting the song they shouldn't post that the song is on its way. If the song is readily available on an obviously in-print CD than I'm sure someone will let the requester know. If it's not then the song is fair game for yousendit and this board. There should be no mass "compilation" type posts.


I agree, especially when it comes to shopping lists. I also made changes to my posts in the forum - not knowing it might be an offense[:I]. I tried to keep as much of the original content, though.
I think everybody should try to calm himself down and restirct himself to one request/post at a time. Make sure that it is nothing, that can easily be bought at amazon or elsewhere.
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Postby Frau_Blucher » Sat Feb 04, 2006 11:00 pm

[quote][i]Originally posted by ekahob[/i]
<br>Since Mike P has not weighed in you are jumping the gun if you are deleting your posts.[/quote]
Agreed on that. I was kinda surprised to see the mass deletions - that wasn't my inference and certainly not my presumed authority. I was just asking questions. I'm sure the overall responses are good feedback for Mike though.
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Postby Rubbeet921 » Sat Feb 04, 2006 11:10 pm

[quote][i]Originally posted by ekahob[/i]

One answer to the problem would be to keep the forum to requests and filling those requests only - one or two requests at a time. If someone has the requested track they could email it to the requester and if they don't want to receive emails from others wanting the song they shouldn't post that the song is on its way. If the song is readily available on an obviously in-print CD than I'm sure someone will let the requester know. If it's not then the song is fair game for yousendit and this board. There should be no mass "compilation" type posts.


This is the "common sense" eight6 is talking about. The problem is when new people keep coming, then it's possible that we'll be back to the same situation all over again. It seems to start with 1 or 2 tracks being shared, then eventually it progresses to mass offerings.

Nevertheless, this is indeed under Mike's discretion.
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Postby NuWaveRx » Sat Feb 04, 2006 11:23 pm

Wow, Miss a day, miss a lot around the NWO!

I won't repeat my comments on the idea of a private forum. It is well documented on the other thread.

I have posted here either to answer a request or to demonstrate I'm not a mooch who took a lot of stuff and never gave back.
I always checked on Amazon and iTunes for availability before posting.

I am certainly willing to try another way if technical problems do not get in the way.

That being said, I would again ask for those considering this to not exclude the non-vets here (me, for instance) who are trying to learn more of the vast universe of NW/Alt/Etc we may not have been aware of.

My $0.02
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Postby eight6 » Sun Feb 05, 2006 12:19 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by ekahob[/i]

One answer to the problem would be to keep the forum to requests and filling those requests only - one or two requests at a time. If someone has the requested track they could email it to the requester and if they don't want to receive emails from others wanting the song they shouldn't post that the song is on its way. If the song is readily available on an obviously in-print CD than I'm sure someone will let the requester know. If it's not then the song is fair game for yousendit and this board. There should be no mass "compilation" type posts.


Again, common sense...that's all it takes.

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Postby eight6 » Sun Feb 05, 2006 12:23 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by Rubbeet921[/i]
<br>[quote][i]Originally posted by ekahob[/i]

One answer to the problem would be to keep the forum to requests and filling those requests only - one or two requests at a time. If someone has the requested track they could email it to the requester and if they don't want to receive emails from others wanting the song they shouldn't post that the song is on its way. If the song is readily available on an obviously in-print CD than I'm sure someone will let the requester know. If it's not then the song is fair game for yousendit and this board. There should be no mass "compilation" type posts.


This is the "common sense" eight6 is talking about. The problem is when new people keep coming, then it's possible that we'll be back to the same situation all over again. It seems to start with 1 or 2 tracks being shared, then eventually it progresses to mass offerings.


Maybe a bit of an explanation for new members as part of the signup process would be helpful.

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Postby marie3 » Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:41 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by ekahob[/i]
<br>Since Mike P has not weighed in you are jumping the gun if you are deleting your posts. This was discussed before and Mike P didn't think linking to other servers that contained copyrighted material was a problem and I agree with him. The music files are not on NWO servers. He is not liable.

While some want to limit the posting to out of print/unavailable material I have posted new music to the Next Wave forum in an effort to turn people on to new artists. I would think these bands would appreciate the exposure no matter how small.

And then of course there is the problem of how is one to know what's available and what is not? If you were looking for Delta 5 in December it wasn't available. It is now. See

A private forum is not the answer. If you want the music to live on then new people need to discover it. If we are worried about NWO being shut down then the forum could be moved to a free forum host like, or

One answer to the problem would be to keep the forum to requests and filling those requests only - one or two requests at a time. If someone has the requested track they could email it to the requester and if they don't want to receive emails from others wanting the song they shouldn't post that the song is on its way. If the song is readily available on an obviously in-print CD than I'm sure someone will let the requester know. If it's not then the song is fair game for yousendit and this board. There should be no mass "compilation" type posts.


I think ekahob has it right.

If Mike P. had a problem with this, he would have stopped it. When I posted what I thought were hard to find songs, I asked Mike P. first and he was fine with it. He said he was looking forward to hearing "new" stuff.

Yes, people were posting music everyday. Common sense may be all that is needed here. (now, what common sense to me may be different to someone else)

Maybe posting a hard to find or oop song, and deleting the post after a few days would be good? The way Mario did when he was sharing?

But since yousendit is not on the NWOP server, is it really okay? I would hate to see a complete stop of rare or oop postings here. (Especially since I can't use the hub)

I hope we are not scaring anyone away from this topic if they need help with finding a song or want to trade.

But whatever we have to do to keep things on the up and up is fine with me.

I hope Mike P. chimes in soon. He is the smart one, who is enjoying his weekend and not getting involved with our self imposed mess! [;)][:D]
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Postby Frank_Chickens » Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:18 am

I have always been against the posting of "shopping lists" of tracks as this shows nothing but greed by the poster. Also it has the unwanted benefit of attracting attention by the like of the RIAA/BPI.

As for asking for tracks that are rare/OOP/ etc., well that's me safe then!

Seriously, it is becoming more common to find posts that are asking for tracks that can easily be found on CD. Posts like these are sure to raise ire of "the man" and the last thing I want to do is see this site go the way of Torchomatic.

The tracks made availalbe here should be of a nature that are not likely is see an official re-release in the future. My recent post should hopefully cover this aspect, and there has been great posts of this nature in recent times featuring bands like Experimental Products.

As for a private forum in order to post music, this may be needed in the future, but not currently if people apply common sense and check to see if their wants are available on CD before posting.


"As chairman of the Cradle of Filth fanclub I'm the most insensitive man in Britain, but even I can see there's tension there"
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Postby GlitteringPrize » Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:08 am

well keep us posted , I was really into the the u send its, I was having fun

whatever happens is fine with me :)

is the hub back yet????
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Postby rotator » Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:21 am

I have enjoyed this area of NWO and have found a number of OOP recordings from generous people. I requested them, with the knowledge that they were extremely difficult to find (on U.S. release - If they appear on a Euro or UK CD - all bets are off - fair game in my book) I think possibly a code of self restraint should prevail in this arena....try not and be too greedy. and if you are going to post something unsolicited, be aware of it's worth (meaning, is this track from an OOP source? and is it obscure from an objective just beacuse this is the first time you've heard Devo's 'Whip-It' does not make it unique...) I guess this post is a plea for this area to remain 'uncensored' , as it were. Because I know when I am in search of something I just can't find somewhere else, itunes, cd store - whathaveyou, I can use this area and all of your (yes you) massive wealth of knowledge.

Check out some of my rock posters....
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Postby Plastik44 » Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:34 am

One more thing. I see many people here remembering the fate of Torchomatic all too well. As I was lucky enough to get to know the site while it was still thriving I'd like to remind you that most of the stuff wasn't really mainstream or easily available. Which doesn't mean, of course, that we should completely freeze here.
I just think that it is best not to draw too much attention to the little traffic that might occur. And you never know if pointing to NWO couldn't earn some pale dude in the lower ranks of the music industry an office with a view...
The steps mentioned by several people here seem right and the way I see it, a change is on its least for a while. I also support the idea of introducing newbies to the `policy of limited requests/posts´ right away. Lists shouldn't occur and be deleted by the people in charge. If someone wants a list, she/he can ask via email.
Anyway, what counts is the music you like. Which means for me that I care for hints that could meet my taste and not just a completion an archive.
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Postby Plastik44 » Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:37 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by rotator[/i]
I think possibly a code of self restraint should prevail in this arena....try not and be too greedy. and if you are going to post something unsolicited, be aware of it's worth (meaning, is this track from an OOP source? and is it obscure from an objective just beacuse this is the first time you've heard Devo's 'Whip-It' does not make it unique...) I guess this post is a plea for this area to remain 'uncensored' , as it were. Because I know when I am in search of something I just can't find somewhere else, itunes, cd store - whathaveyou, I can use this area and all of your (yes you) massive wealth of knowledge.


You took the words right out of my mouth.
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Postby crystal » Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:25 am

I know all that privacy-elitist discussion etc - but wouldn't it already help if that obscure-section would only be able to enter just for registered members - I know with other band forums it is handled that way if liv*stuff is posted + that already helps a bit. and of course limit requests to a song or 2 but not posting 50-song long lists.
I think ysi is a nice tool to use to find that rare deleted 12" from sweden that was released in a 500-edition in 1983 but stuff like howard jones or depeche which is normally easy to get + can still be ordered via the usual sources.
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Postby NuWaveRx » Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:40 am

This thread is starting to remind me of what happened to the comic book industry in the '50, faced with regulation, they decided to police themselves.

I see no reason why a FAQ and rules couldn't be used for people who wanted to request something. Some rules could be the ones listed above: must be a registered user with X posts, cannot be a laundry list, etc. I would add that the onus of seeing if the track is widely available is on the requester. They should at a minimum check a major retailer, an online site (iTunes, Napster, etc), heck why not The Ideal Copy while were at it[:)]. If it is not commercially available in those venues, an email request could me made.
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