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Two Good DVD's..

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 10:15 am
by swash
Last night stayed up late and watched "Sid & Nancy". Gary Oldman as Sid Vicious and Chloe Webb as Nancy put in wonderful performances. Does anyone else out there like this film as well? Then I watched the Documentary "The Filth and the Fury" ...Released in 2000 is a Fantastic Documentary on The Sex Pistols...103 minutes long and lots of Cool stuff in it. Anyone seen this one and what did You think? swash

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 11:12 pm
by Bob-O
I've been obsessed with the Sex Pistols since about 1983 and have amassed quite a collection (and reputation). I saw Sid and Nancy in the theater the first night it was released and the opinion I had then is the same opinion I have now. It's a decent pi