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The reason for your name?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 2:11 am
by devildog
Phillyidol gave me an idea for this thread. In another post he jokingly implied why I have "devil" in my name. I do not know if this topic has been covered before but what is the reason for your NWO name?

Mine is simple and not satanic as it implies. As a former New Yorker who grew up eating Drakes snack cakes, I always enjoyed "Devildogs" and they are my favorite snack food. Well, since I live in Texas now, I cannot get them here. So my name is homage to the snack cake that I miss. (I certainly eat them whenever I am back in NY). I know this is not a new wave name but it was the first thing that came to mind when I first joined NWO.[:D]

How about you? How did you come up with your NWO name?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 2:25 am
by fritzb
Well my name in real life is "Fritz" and my last name starts with "B". Sorry it's no more interesting than that... [:I]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 2:27 am
by KYYX4ever
KYYX 96.5 in Seattle ( RIP 1984) was the greatest radio station on the face of the earth. Period. This station single-handedly exposed me to the Best Music in the Universe: New Wave. I will always have a place in my nostalgia-ridden heart for The Wave. [8D]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 2:35 am
by cubby
My nickname given to me by my partner

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 2:38 am
by SwampThing
Picked the name from a song of my favorite band The Chameleons UK. Wanted MadJack but it was already taken.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 2:46 am
by beatschool
I work with kids, teaching them how to digitally record music. Started a mobile recording "school" that travels to underfunded schools and teaches "beats".

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 2:59 am
by Grunch
My nickname goes back to my teen years, some in Germany, and I picked up the nickname babygrunch which was really meant as crunch. I used to hit lots of homeruns in babe ruth baseball (13-15 yrs) and our fans would yell out the the pitcher to watch out because I was going to "crunch" the ball - everyone just started to call me "babygrunch" because my older brother was given the nickmane grunch. Well, as an adult, I dropped off the "baby" part but it used to be "babygrunch"

I can identify with the devildog, having spent many years living in New England - Massachusetts, Upstate New York, and I too was parially raised on devildogs, the delicious snack cake from Drakes. If you have never had a devildog, but know about the Little Debbies snack treats, they sell a cholcoate ckae with white cream in the middle, sorta looks like a hot dog bun, not sure what they call them. But if you know of them, think a thousand times better and you have a devildog. Man, we lived for those in our lunch when I was a kid. To hell with a sandwich, make sure there is a devildog in that lunch sack!!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 3:09 am
by SwampThing
[quote]Originally posted by kimiiii
[br]Hi, I'm Kim.
[/quote] What do the 4 i's represent? The number 4?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 3:11 am
by Grunch
I was guessing for her 4 kids??? Not sure about "i" but 4 of them for 4 kids maybe????

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 3:57 am
by skinnytie
"skinnytie" was the first thing that popped into my head that was associated with new wave. I was surprised it wasn't taken already.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:11 am
by phillyidol
Devildog; you are saying there are no drakes cakes outside of N.Y.? I never knew that. Man what the world is missing. And of all the drakes stuff, devildogs are by far the best! Remember as a kid eating one and right away you have to drink a cold milk to wash it down. Then someone came out with the poor mans drakes called little debbie. Who are they trying to fool?

Anyway, my few close friends call me Philly. And maybe 2 people called me phillyidol. I always had long hair and one day I cut it off and spiked it. They said look, its phillyidol.[:D]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:35 am
by pikeprof
A long time ago I picked profpike as my yahoo e-mail name-because I wanted to be a college professor-I had trouble logging in to the message board the first name-so I had to invert my name-My family name is Pike-I teach college and am a ph.d. student-so, Voila'

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:40 am
by randy
My name is my name.
As for Devil Dogs--I prefer Funny Bones.[:D]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 6:27 am
by devildog
[quote]Originally posted by phillyidol
[br]Devildog; you are saying there are no drakes cakes outside of N.Y.? I never knew that. Man what the world is missing. And of all the drakes stuff, devildogs are by far the best! Remember as a kid eating one and right away you have to drink a cold milk to wash it down. Then someone came out with the poor mans drakes called little debbie. Who are they trying to fool?

Anyway, my few close friends call me Philly. And maybe 2 people called me phillyidol. I always had long hair and one day I cut it off and spiked it. They said look, its phillyidol.[:D]

Well, er..I am not sure about the rest of the USA but for some reason, here in Austin, they are not sold here. Actually, there was a new supermarket that opened about 2 miles from my house that initially carried them. But they do not now for whatever reason. Come to think of it, I miss alot of New York foods. C'est la vie.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 7:36 am
by schwenko
[quote]Originally posted by devildog
[br]Phillyidol gave me an idea for this thread. In another post he jokingly implied why I have "devil" in my name. I do not know if this topic has been covered before but what is the reason for your NWO name?

Mine is simple and not satanic as it implies. As a former New Yorker who grew up eating Drakes snack cakes, I always enjoyed "Devildogs" and they are my favorite snack food. Well, since I live in Texas now, I cannot get them here. So my name is homage to the snack cake that I miss. (I certainly eat them whenever I am back in NY). I know this is not a new wave name but it was the first thing that came to mind when I first joined NWO.[:D]

ask my parents

How about you? How did you come up with your NWO name?