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"I'm Sorry"- played on Rodney's show

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 11:14 am
by Supedve
In the early-mid 80's (83-86?)Rodney on the Roq played a song on his show just a few times and I had and accidentally erased part of it several years ago and would love to hear it again. It was called "I'm Sorry" by The Inflatable Boy Clams and is a lengthy story told by 2 females about stealing boyfriends, going horseback riding in Malibu and other assorted Valley type things, it has a cheesy keyboard sound and is very simplistic but funny to listen too. Does anybody esle in LA remember that song played on a Sunday night and possibly have a copy in their tape archives?[8D]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 1:20 pm
by Jimbo
I remember that one but have no clue where it might be.

I think it was also similar to another song called "Beach Rebellion" by tough Muffin if my memory is correct.
That was also only played by Rodney.