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Record Store Reviews - Houston

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:45 am
by coop41
Went to Houston Monday and Tuesday of last week. The only two stores that people could refer me to for vinyl was:

Vinal Edge Records- almost all vinyl, crate upon crate of 12"'s that blocked nearly every aisle, not a whole bunch of stuff that I bought, nothing memorable.

Sound Waves- small store, not a huge amount of used vinyl, only notable purchase was a sealed copy of The Kick.

Half Price Books- I wandered into one when looking for Vinal Edge, holy cow, I bought a ton of stuff here and at their other location the next day. Highlights included a Red Rockers Condition Red LP for under $5, D.O.A., Wednesday Week, etc, shipped a huge box of records home (Media Mail[:)]) - can't wait for them to arrive to remember what I got! We have these stores in Arizona but nowhere near the selection of titles that they had here.

Overall, disappointed in the actual record stores, the Half Price Books store was a fluke!