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General perceptions....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 1:27 pm
by Spaz
Being just a few months shy of 40, it occured to me that MY perception of the new wave era as being groundbreaking/eclectic/exciting/etc is entirely different to the overall perception from those younger and older than myself.
I still try to find new and exciting music today, but nothing compares to the late '70s to mid '80s in my book. Sure I love the '60s and '70s but I'm not entirely fond of the '90s and beyond, so of course I'm going to embrace the era that was far more influential in my life. Is it because I was more innocent and impressionable? Or could it be that the music itself was innocent and impressive?
How do people treat YOU and your affection for '80s music? Half of my office loves it (they're all the same age...roughly) while there are a few 20-somethings who can't believe the KROQ played such crap 20 years ago. They think that KROQ is so much better now!!!!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 12:21 am
by Plata66
Being a recently turned 43 I can understand exactly what your saying. I remember the early to mid eighties the best when I would set aside at least $20.00 a week to go record shopping and bagging a 12"remix of Killing Joke or a cool Flying Lizards or my t

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 1:59 am
by fritzb
Well, I see we pretty much all think alike. I'm 3 days shy of my big 4-0, class of '81 (high school) and '85 (college). I like many styles of music, from oldies to classical to alternative to eurotrance, but the one style that is nearest and dearest to

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 2:00 am
by MikeP
Good idea for discussion, Spaz! I agree that though there are bands that I used to love that I don't get too excited about anymore, I still love that incredible era of music (77-86). Sure, a lot had to with it being the music of my formative years, but th

PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 11:13 am
by Frau_Blucher
Yeah Mike, I think it's that everyone with an opto-compressor/limiter/EQ plug-in just can't resist over-massaging their songs, just because they can.

As for the 80s, people get a huge kick when I sample this music for them. A Boston business guy went

PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2003 1:40 pm
by XTC
Thats a gasser!

I'm 39 and when I make folk guess...they say 27 or 29 YES!

I'll never forget when some kid said "You were in the EIGHTIES!"

Immediatly I thought about evey person I may have said "Wow! your from the 60'S!?!".......when I was alot

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 10:31 am
by 91XBrett
I'm only 15, so I basically totally missed out on all the music that is talked about here, but I definitely think you all are right. Most of the eighties music still seems so innovative and fresh to me even though it's...well, not so fresh. I guess that's