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MV3 Episodes....

Discussions about the golden age of MTV and music videos, directors, techniques, DVD releases, etc.

Postby ayola » Fri Mar 05, 2004 5:39 am

Well, I just posted something similar in a different thread, but they were all talking about East Coast clubs. Anyway, I spent the better part of a few years at Phases in the Valley. About three days a week for most of it it seems. Anyone out there remember me? I hung out with Sid, Jeff, Jeannie and Debbie. Sometimes Ryan... man, I realizing I don't remember a lot of names. I'm getting old! This was summer of 82 on.
I also spent some time at some of the other clubs mentioned like Odyssey and Oh man, Foxes in the roller rink across from The Country Club!

Brooks Ayola
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Postby drmo1 » Sun Mar 07, 2004 12:27 pm

I just figured out how to transfer old VHS tapes to DVD on my Mac.
Back in the early 80's, I compiled tapes and tapes of musical performances from Midnight Special, Don Kirshner's, Tonight Show, the Grammys...basically anything I could find. I have Journey concerts (from "The Blue Jean Network"), an entire Rick Springfiield concert from Universal Amphitheater.

I had been doing this for a few years when MTV hit, but we couldn't get it in our area, so I taped stuff like Casey Kasem, Friday Night Videos...and...MV3.

I have to admit, I'd forgotten about the show until now.
I didn't tape everything, only songs.
So far I've found nearly complete videos (with the dancers of course) of Devo, Oingo Boingo, Adam Ant, The English Beat, J. Geils Band, Culture Club, Missing Persons, Billy Idol...
...and these tapes haven't been played in 15 years...

Unfortunately, some of the performances aren't visible. Because I recorded these with my finger on the Pause button to cut out all the inane chatter, the tape speeds are a little funky. Most songs play beautifully, but alas, some are lost forever. There's a killer Boingo tune that is shredded. : (

Those fashions and dance moves really take me back...
Running Up That Hill
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Postby coronet3d » Tue Mar 09, 2004 9:10 am

If anyone is interested I've set up a Yahoo Group on this subject. To join go here:
This is not to imply that you shouldn't be posting here. I want to use the Yahoo Group to track my (and hopefully other people's) efforts to find out about the possibility of a DVD/VHS release or re-broadcast. I have not had the time recently to follow up on MV3 issues. However I do intend on resuming my search in the next few months.
Running Up That Hill
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Postby Krokodyle » Sat Mar 13, 2004 2:46 pm

bhs82--Just piping in to let you know I'm *still* interested in these...drop me a line at homerjsimpsoy at

Running Up That Hill
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Postby peterkat » Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:30 am

Hey, I'm new to this board. Will post on the MV3 board as well- I do have several tapes of MV3 material- recorded on old VHS- havent double checked quality- tended to tape just the videos and not all of the format (though I think I got some of the cooler Richard Blade interviews) who can forget KOSMO giving an angry rant against the US Festival with the sneering members of the Clash looking on- and then Richard totally undercutting the seriousness of the moment with a very cheery "Let's see the latest Clash video"
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Postby Frayo » Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:23 am

That is the coolest thing ever... AWSOME

I was born way too late.
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Postby itzi » Wed Mar 31, 2004 5:59 am

Regarding your question: The Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star (the first video ever one MTV, this one I don't need confirmation cause I know it's true) :) My question is, what was though is "Does anyone know what the second video ever was?"

The Museum of Televsion and Radio will be screening the first hour of MTV April 9th through May 30 as a part of a program called American Pop. If you are in NYC or LA, you can find out for yourself what was the second video. If not, I plan on going and will let you know. From the catalogue: "The revolution begins here, with the Buggles' wryly prophetic clip "Video Killed the Radio Star." The first hour also features videos from Pat Benatar, Styx, and the Pretenders, as well as an interview with the Ramones."
Running Up That Hill
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Postby swerve » Thu Apr 01, 2004 4:37 am

Pat Benatar - You Better Run
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Postby limitbid » Wed Apr 28, 2004 6:35 am

bhs....AWSOME!!! I have been dying to see old clips of the show. BTW..I just e-mailed Richard Blade hoping to point us in some kind of direction. Will post the results if he replies. Don't know if anybody else has attempted to contact him. I'm sure he would appreciate a flood of e-mails.[}:)]
Running Up That Hill
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Postby Jimbo » Wed Apr 28, 2004 8:54 am

[quote]Originally posted by limitbid
[br]bhs....AWSOME!!! I have been dying to see old clips of the show. BTW..I just e-mailed Richard Blade hoping to point us in some kind of direction. Will post the results if he replies. Don't know if anybody else has attempted to contact him. I'm sure he would appreciate a flood of e-mails.[}:)]

I tried to contact him a couple of years ago about another subject. I never got a reply.
Good luck! [:)]
Room at the Top
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Postby bhs82 » Sat May 22, 2004 7:16 am

Site was pulled by Lycos - again...
If anyone can host it, please post a way for me to reach you.

In the mean time, you can see half the site here
New Link - 03-22-05

Visitors were up to 840 - Nice!

Since the site linked this board, Lycos may monitor and shut down any links posted here. I have tried contacting them, but to no avail, everything there is automated. ... These do represent my work and should not be a violation of copyright laws accordingly - no different than a director showing his reel, so if someone from Lycos IS monitoring, please try contacting me.

This url lasted a while. If the other half lasts for any length, I will try again for the main.

Switchin' to Glide
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Postby bhs82 » Sat May 22, 2004 2:01 pm

Wow, original site now back online.
Perhaps they are monitoring here and got my last post... if so, thanx!

New Link - 03-22-05
Switchin' to Glide
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Postby debbiediamond » Sat Nov 13, 2004 6:52 am

hey Michael...this is Debbie you were the one that arranged that whole Square Pegs thing? i thought it was Jimmy and the Mustangs that were the band on there that day...
i just discovered this site b/c i received a letter from Steve Sawyer the guy who runs the MV3 fanclub...
just figuring this site out..i'll write more later*

debbie d

[quote][i]Originally posted by powerpop[/i]
<br>[quote]Originally posted by bhs82

What clubs?? Was the "Seven Seas" one of them?? It was cool to see the "Seven Seas" imortalized as a background shot in "Valley Girl" while they were cruising Hollywood (A movie of fairly accurate geographical and cultural portrayals of the time).

Anyway, most of your post was correct except for just a couple of things.

I was actually a dancer on MV3!
I don't know how other dancers were recruited, but I heard of it word of mouth through some guys at an OC club called "Circus Circus"
Another OC club was "Dejavu". "Louis" appeared in dance contests and usually won at these clubs before getting the lead in Madonna's "Borderline", and going on to date her, then be sponsored by her in his short lived musical carreer.

MV3 did stand for Music Videos 3, and I think that the "3" referred to the number of hosts.

It was taped at a little stage / studio in Burbank, CA, right off the 5 fwy @ Alameda. The studio was on a side street running along side the 5, just S. of Alameda on the E. side... it is now a plumbing supply wherehouse. From the show, you would have thought the studio huge, but it was actually very small.

I thought that it aired on channel 9 at the time - now know as KCAL, but back then it was something else. Anyway, KCOP 13's studios are on LaBrea, and most certainly a far cry from where we shot MV3 when I was on it.

I always thought that MV3 was merely a local show here in LA. I am floored by the posts here - absolutely floored. I can not believe y'all remember the show, let alone the impact and the widespread distribution.

I lived in Orange County at the time, and split the club scene between OC and LA. I was also trying to break into acting at the time and had stints in Michael Jackson's "Beat It" video as well as Dwight Twilley's "Girls", while getting the lead for Kiss's "I Love It Loud". We shot "Beat It" just as "Billy Jean" was starting to air on MV3. For years I've heard black artists mention that MTV didn't play black artists until "Thriller", which seemed off to me because I remember so vividly that when we filmed "Beat It", I was a fan from the "Off the Wall" days, and "Billy Jean" (song and video) had surfaced, but not caught on yet.... Now after reading here, I realize that MV3 was where I saw "Billy Jean", and yes - they were innovative and playing black artists before their big brother ever did.

Back to filming, or taping actually... There was a giant Blue Screen (same kind they use behind news people). - It may have been Green, I honestly don't remember the exact color having worked with both over the years... Anyway, whichever color it was, dancers would have to avoid wearing the same color, otherwise they would "dissapear". If I remember correctly, they would shoot several episodes in a day, and dancers were asked to bring several changes of clothes. They never actually showed videos on-screen in the studio, except on occasion to start off a song. So, we, as dancers, only got to see the videos by watching the show on TV, just like everybody else. I had a lot of fun doing the show, but people I knew wouldn't return more than once because it was much less glamorous than it appeared.

Besides the "live" performances by bands like Psych Furs, Berlin and so on, I also remember other odd things like commedians - Vic Dunlop for instance. The "stage" was directly opposite the Video Screen, and occasionally we got to get up on stage and dance while a band was performing as with Berlin.

Michael, I am curious if one of the people you knew was "Debbie Diamond"? She was the one wearing the outragoeous and cool outfits like dresses reminicent of Little Bo Peep - Bleached Blonde?? My wife went to school in the San Gabriel Valley (she is about to go to her 20 year reunion, and the thing she is most tickled about is telling a certain couple of friends that she married an MV3 dancer), where Debbie was from and had friends that had friends that knew her. I remember pulling her onto an episode of "Square Pegs" when some rockabilly band was playing (I think the "Copy Cats"), and then of course, when we showed up and Richard Blade was also in the episode, we had our little MV3 sub thing going on.

I did extra work on "Square Pegs" at the time, and they did a couple of shows that featured elements of the "80s" dancing scene.

Anyway, like all of you, and perhaps even a little more, in todays age of technology, I would love to get my hands on some of these episodes and preserve them. I recently succeeded in acquiring some of the music videos and tv episodes I mentioned, but not any MV3 ones. I would love to know who has the rights to these things... I am sure the episodes are sitting in some vault somewhere... Perhaps attempting to contact Richard Blade may be a good lead??

Thank y'all for taking me down memory lane, and perking me up! I really had no idea. I always thought what we were doing was in the class of a local public access channel, but with the cool - not mainstream - scene. The people I danced there with thought that a lot of things were cheesy - some of the intros (writing), having comedians, etc. I always thought that although they keyed on and into the scene, they often strayed and were not centrally focussed. In retrospect, I imagine Richard Blade brought the scene to the party, and the (clueless)producers probably insisted on some of the other, and the result was a little splintered. Nevertheless, it was a milestone, and much more so than I ever knew. Please - please post any resources!


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Postby debbiediamond » Sat Nov 13, 2004 8:57 am

I have a photo of me and adam ant from that show..when i interviewed there a place to post pix on here?
that blonde guy with the bangs was Steve..he was the guy i danced with on there...we were so narcissistic...drawn to each other b/c we looked 1st experience with a guy that said..hey i like you and you like me but lets also see other people...eek! the beginning to the end!

[quote][i]Originally posted by EchoBeach[/i]
<br>MV3 Memories...

Mod/Ska Week...

Adam Ant Week...

New Romantic Week...

Depeche Mode Week...

That ska guy who would wear a black suit and hat and skank during everything or, the guy who dressed up like Adam Ant, or the surfer guy with the really long blond bangs that they showed all of the time.


PS - If the guy has those tapes... We'll all be severely stoked.

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Postby debbiediamond » Sat Nov 13, 2004 8:59 am

hey how can i get a copy of those vids???


[quote][i]Originally posted by bhs82[/i]
<br>Lo and behold...

I found an old box with a VHS tape labeled MV3. I don't even want to play it in fear of damaging the contents. When I can get to my buddy's place, I will try and play it / digitize it on professional equipment. If I succeed, then I will try and make what I have available, but for now I don't know what kind of quality we will be looking at.

By the way, I did some checking around, and in LA, MV3 broadcast on KHJ channel 9. I saw KCOP channel 13 mentioned on another post as well, but that is not correct.


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