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MV3 Episodes....

Discussions about the golden age of MTV and music videos, directors, techniques, DVD releases, etc.

Postby bhs82 » Fri Sep 12, 2003 8:04 am

Lo and behold...

I found an old box with a VHS tape labeled MV3. I don't even want to play it in fear of damaging the contents. When I can get to my buddy's place, I will try and play it / digitize it on professional equipment. If I succeed, then I will try and make what I have available, but for now I don't know what kind of quality we will be looking at.

By the way, I did some checking around, and in LA, MV3 broadcast on KHJ channel 9. I saw KCOP channel 13 mentioned on another post as well, but that is not correct.

Switchin' to Glide
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Postby bhs82 » Fri Sep 12, 2003 10:34 am

Here is a link to a Real MV3 performance of the Bangles...
Ahhh - that pink and green neon!
Switchin' to Glide
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Postby Ollie Stench » Sat Sep 13, 2003 12:46 am

Having lived in Minneapolis all my life I have never head of MV3 but it sounds amazing. Has anyone tried to e-mail Mike Devich, the guy who claims to have episodes mentioned above? If not I will drop him a line to see if he can make the shows available to at least one of us for distribution to the rest.

Somebody here ... 27616.html
says they have several episodes but it's from 1999. Good luck finding them.
Ollie Stench
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Postby bhs82 » Mon Sep 15, 2003 11:52 am


Dude, really, I mean no disrespect... I'm not baggin' or slammin'... I enjoyed your post and it was really an excellent intro and retrospect on the influences and background to the show. But...
The show was co-hosted by Richard Blade, David Maples, and Karen Scott... (She looked good - then she opened her mouth).

Not sure where "April" (your post) fit in.
I did get into some trouble around that time, and spent a little over 4 months in jail, which put an abrupt end to my MV3 appearances. I appeared on the show, taping right up until the last Saturday before I had to turn myself in.

What was really weird was seeing myself on TV while in jail. I can tell you this - what looked cool outside and in the clubs at that time did not impress anyone on the inside! At first I was like "hey, that's me!", and quickly learned to keep my mouth shut.
Point is that whatever happened with the taping of the show after I had to "go away", I would not be familiar with. But I did follow the happs through my friends and TV, and don't know anything about "April", or KCOP.

Switchin' to Glide
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Postby EchoBeach » Sat Sep 20, 2003 1:03 pm

MV3 Memories...

Mod/Ska Week...

Adam Ant Week...

New Romantic Week...

Depeche Mode Week...

That ska guy who would wear a black suit and hat and skank during everything or, the guy who dressed up like Adam Ant, or the surfer guy with the really long blond bangs that they showed all of the time.


PS - If the guy has those tapes... We'll all be severely stoked.
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Postby Jimbo » Sun Sep 21, 2003 5:27 pm

I remember racing home from school during high school (with friends in tow that did not own a car) to see MV3, so it could not have been on after 1983, because that is the year I graduated. I also don't remember the evening program at all.

At that time in Simi Valley, our cable TV system consisted of a whopping 12 channels and MTV was not one of them. There was no life above channel 13. :) So that show was all we had to live on.

That is really good to hear from a few people he that were actually connected with the show. It really brings back memories.

No offense to either of you, but we really hated the dancers because they would have to cut away from the videos to show them.

I would love to get my hand on copies of those old broadcasts as well, even with the dancers.

If I remember right, did they do away with the dancers entirely after a while?

"I now inform you that you are too far from reality"
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Postby bhs82 » Sun Sep 21, 2003 7:01 pm

LOL - Very Funny... As a kid, I only liked seeing the dancers myself when I was among them! Well my friends, I have some good news. I am in the process of digitizing as we speak. The tape I have is some 20 years old, and in some places it looks it. I suppose back then, I taped over episodes, trying to catch myself...

Bottom line is that I have some complete and some partial videos. If you remember, they did not always show dancers... One clip I have is the world premiere of the Clash's London Calling - in this instance, they wanted to get it on the air ASAP, and did not want to wait for a taping. I believe that this was the first time in America this video was shown.

I also have Berlin performing on stage - their first appearance as intro'd by Richard Blade. I believe I have 2 songs of them performing; the Metro, and Sex. I also have other live performances and videos - not all videos are complete.

Digitizing and editing on a home pc is new to me, so it may be a little bit, but if y'all can be patient, I will try to convert and upload some of these.

I have really enjoyed watching them as I digitized - having a couple of beers and smoking the last "clove" I had in a box from 20 years ago... dunno if it was stale cause I don't smoke anymore, but it smelled good and I got the major head rush!

Vids include the Bangles, Wham, Musical Youth, Berlin, the Clash, the Tubes, Romeo Void, and a few others. I must warn you that the quality on some is !@#$^*, while others not too bad. Fact is that if you have the sentiment I do, even the bad ones compell enough recall to be rewarding.

Switchin' to Glide
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Postby Jimbo » Sun Sep 21, 2003 7:24 pm

<in my best George C. Scott voice as General Patton:

You magnificent bastard!


Mondo Cool bhs82!

We must find a way to distribute this stuff.

"I now inform you that you are too far from reality"
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Postby Jimbo » Sun Sep 21, 2003 7:27 pm

BTW, what kind of cloves did you smoke?

I used to smoke Djarum Safari non-filters.

I also used to get respiratory infections! :)

I wonder if there was any relation?

"I now inform you that you are too far from reality"
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Postby bhs82 » Tue Sep 23, 2003 8:02 am

Djarm was my brand of choice too, but these were Kuta Kreteks, which is perhaps why I still had them after 20 years LOL.

Anyway... I am in the process of uploading.
Also, I am fighting that learning curve, so for the final product, you will have to be a little patient. So far I am finding that compressing these for internet play is just squashing the quality. On my computer, they play very decently, but by the time they get on the web, quality is only so-so.

If anyone has a KDX server, or another like site, whereby they can host files approx 57MB is size each, please post here. At this size, the quality is really quite decent.

Right now, my CuteFTP keeps crashing while trying to upload.

Nevertheless, you can monitor this work in progress here;
New Link - 03-22-05

You will know when it is finished by the appearance of Musical Youth only once... right now, they appear several times to block out the space.

Switchin' to Glide
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Postby bhs82 » Tue Sep 23, 2003 8:54 am

The show was co-hosted by Richard Blade, David Maples, and Karen Scott... (She looked good - then she opened her mouth).

I believe that watching the intro for Musical Youth will validate my statement for you. I am sure she made some producer a very happy man.

<img src="" border="0">
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Postby bhs82 » Wed Sep 24, 2003 2:22 am


Lycos pulled the site...

I don't know why, and have requested an explanation.
The wmv files are about 11mb in size @ a 384k download speed.
Full size (file) compression is at around 60MB.

I had hoped to post 5 vids in the space they provided.
Now I will be looking for a new soluion

: (
Switchin' to Glide
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Postby bhs82 » Sat Sep 27, 2003 2:29 pm

I hope to have the sight up in the next couple of days...
Check daily for the link 'cause it may not last again!

In the mean time, here are a couple of pix ; Berlin Live & Karen Scott

<IMG SRC=""> <IMG SRC="">

<IMG SRC=""> <IMG SRC="">

Switchin' to Glide
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Postby bhs82 » Sat Sep 27, 2003 5:56 pm

OK, the site is finished and should be up shortly... I am having to host the vids on 2 different sites actually, and uploading them is taking quite some time. I hope they don't shut this one down, cause if they do, I will likely not try this again until I get a really fast site.

The link will be here;
New Link - 03-22-05

In the mean time, This was a shot of me from one of the vidz
<IMG SRC="">

Also, I found one of those Square Pegs episodes I talked about in an earlier post. It was like MV3 on Square Pegs. Here are some pix
<IMG SRC=""> <IMG SRC="">

<IMG SRC=""> <IMG SRC="">
Switchin' to Glide
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Postby bhs82 » Sat Sep 27, 2003 8:01 pm


for now at least.
Switchin' to Glide
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